Neonatal Health

What To Do With A Crying Baby
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Never feel that you’re all alone if it seems like your baby won’t stop crying. While some parents brag about having a calm, relaxed and contented baby, other parents discover that their baby demands to be held, rocked or nursed to be quiet. We’ll show you some proven techniques for soothing baby, from rocking to swaddling to diapering.
Baby’s Upside-Down Clock
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
It doesn’t take long to realize your baby’s days and nights are out of sync with yours. Most babies begin life mimicking their fetal behaviors for sleep and wake cycles. Understanding your baby’s cycle will make it easier to establish healthy sleep routines that get everyone the rest they need.
Learn Your Baby’s Hunger Signs
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
As you get to know your new baby, learning to recognize signs of his or her hungry tummy is a must. We’ll introduce you to the “rooting reflex” and other common signs of baby’s hunger, hopefully, before crying starts!
Nursing A Sick Baby
by Meghan Johnson, IBCLC
Nursing a sick baby takes finesse and a lot of patience, especially if you are sick as well. If your little one has a minor illness, we’ll share tips for keeping baby comfy and well-fed while he’s not feeling great.
Dealing With Baby’s Gas Pains
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Listening to your baby suffer through gas pains can be tough for just about anyone. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to give your baby some relief.
Baby’s Constipation
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Parents get very concerned when their baby isn’t having poopy diapers after every feeding or at least once a day. It is very important to understand your baby’s changing bowel habits as they grow during the first few weeks of life, and we’ll show you what you need to know.
The Scoop On Poop
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
From too many to not enough poopy diapers, to strange colors in the diaper, baby’s “output” can be confusing and very worrisome when you aren’t sure what it all means. We’ll share the “scoop on poop” to help you figure out what might be going on in your baby’s diaper.