Essentials For Breastfeeding Moms-To-Be

Do I really need to buy all the nursing gadgets and gizmos I see in baby stores?

Although there’s probably an endless list of baby gear you may be tempted to buy before bringing your newborn home, there’s a much shorter list of things that will truly enhance your breastfeeding experience. We’ll keep it short and sweet:

  1. Two very comfortable nursing bras to wear during the daytime. You can add to this collection when your breast size and weight adjust after 2-4 weeks.
  2. One or two sleep-type bras. You may need to add more bras, but one to wash/one to wear will work for the first few weeks.
  3. A comfortable nursing pillow. Don’t buy this one for its cute cover; it has to be functional. After a few weeks of nursing, most moms put the pillow aside and just hold the baby. Nursing twins requires a very sturdy pillow to help hold the babies.
  4. A nursing tank top, shirt or blouse that allows easy access for opening your bra and nursing your baby.
  5. A nursing step stool to rest your feet and provide the proper angle for your legs and back. This goes a long way to reducing the tension on your lower back. Some gliders and rockers come with an ottoman or footstool, so check out that option, too.
  6. A small basket to keep diapers, wipe cloths, burp cloths and other accessories within reach of your nursing spot.
  7. A sipper bottle or drink container that is easy to open and close. It is essential to stay well hydrated for optimum milk production.
  8. A basket of healthy snacks, such as granola bars, nuts, seeds, dried fruits and any other healthy snacks you choose. It is important have healthy food selections while nursing.
  9. Your phone with an app to track feedings and diaper output. You may discover that doing this helps you stay on top of your baby’s changing routines.


And finally, some loving and supportive help. It is essential to have family and friends around, or at least close by, for support. Some days will be harder and some easier, but supportive help is what you’ll need to thrive.

Looking for more suggestions to ensure you’re ready for baby’s arrival? Reach out to one of our healthcare professionals for more personalized care for you and your new baby.