Breastfeeding & Travel

What should I know about nursing while on the road?

Many breastfeeding families enjoy traveling, especially when the baby is young. While you’re on the road with baby, it’s best to maintain your normal routines as closely as you possibly can. This includes nursing the baby at the times you would normally nurse at home. Keep in mind, you will probably have to adjust some feeds forward or backward if you have gone more than 4 – 5 hours out of your time zone. Moms who are traveling within a 3-hour time change can usually keep the feedings and pumping sessions at their typical times.

  • Check all of your pump supplies before you leave on your trip. You would not want to be in the “middle of nowhere” and realize you left your tubing or extra bottles behind. If you are using herbal supplements to ensure a good milk supply, make sure you pack some for your trip.
  • When traveling with the baby, you may find that having a breast pump with you is advantageous. In the event baby’s feeding schedule changes due to changing time zones or other things that come up, you can always rely on the breast pump to help you out.
  • Keep your important numbers handy, such as your obstetrician’s office and a local pharmacy close to where you are staying.
  • Be aware that breast infections can occur when you are pumping more than nursing, change feeding and pumping times, make changes in eating and sleeping habits or experience significant stress.


Traveling is wonderful and you’ll enjoy your time away even more by planning ahead!

Looking for more tips for nursing baby on your next travel adventure? Become a member and one of the lactation consultants on our team can offer more personalized advice.