Creating Your Breastfeeding Space

Where is the best place to nurse?

When creating your breastfeeding spot, comfort is key. As long as you feel safe and at ease, you can nurse your baby anywhere. However, in the beginning you may want to choose a location in your home that you go to like a nursery, or a corner of your bedroom, den or living room that provides enough space for you to sit back, relax and enjoy the experience.

Some moms and babies like to rock or glide back and forth while nursing. Others prefer to sit back in a comfy chair or couch. The bed is probably not the best place to nurse when you are new to it. It doesn’t always provide enough back support for you to feel relaxed and may lead to shoulder, neck and back pain.

In this special place, make sure you have a spot to put a glass of water or other beverage to sip while nursing. You’ll also want to keep a container of snacks close at hand, such as trail mix, cut up fruits or veggies. Nursing requires that you maintain a healthy intake of fluid and nutrients.

Keep a small basket of baby supplies nearby to hold a few diapers, wipes, burp cloths and other essentials. Your nursing space should include a comfortable chair, nursing stool, nursing pillow, back support pillow and a small side table for your supplies, snacks and other personal items.

Try not to talk on the phone while you are nursing. It’s best to spend this time enjoying your baby and getting to know them without distractions. You don’t want to miss important signs that help you assess the nursing process. However, if you want to take advantage of any of the apps that are available to help keep track of nursing and diaper changes, feel free.


Need more support during your breastfeeding journey? Send us a message with your questions and concerns; our lactation consultants can offer specific solutions for you and your baby.