8 Things New Moms Need In The Diaper Bag

Are there any essential items to have when baby and I are “on the go?”

Sometimes it feels like you’re lugging the entire house in your diaper bag. But what do new moms really need?

Why pack a ton of gadgets and gear into the diaper bag, carry it around town and come home with an achy back and sore shoulders? Because we are afraid of being out and about with the baby, and not having everything we might need.

Save your shoulders and back for your baby, not the bag. Here are 8 essential items every new mom needs in her diaper bag:

Diaper Bag “Must Haves”

  • Receiving blanket
    • These are perfect to bundle up baby, use as a play mat or nursing cover (if you choose to cover, totally not required), or to use as a burp cloth.
  • One extra outfit for baby
    • Keep one outfit with you in case of a blow out. But also keep a couples extra easy outfits in the “car bag” just in case.
  • Diapers and wipes
    • This is a no brainer for moms. You can lighten your load by carrying a smaller container of wipes and keeping a bigger container in the car. If you are cloth diapering, you will need a wet sack for soiled diapers and probably a larger diaper bag to hold them in. I cloth diapered for years and it really taught me how to pack only what I needed in my diaper bag, because my bag would literally be filled only with cloth diaper “stuff.”
  • Wet wipes for your hands
    • Carry antibacterial wet wipes for those times when there are no sinks around. These can be used on surfaces as well.
  •  Trash bag
    • You’ll need them for all those dirty clothes and soiled diapers. Keep an empty stash of trash bags in the car, too.
  • Bottled water
    • This is for you, so you’ll stay hydrated throughout the day. Brings snacks too. I find it hard to eat a real meal during the day. It’s hard being a mom. Make sure to take care of yourself too.
  • Toys
    • You will only need two or three small toys for baby. Teething toys and rattles can keep your little one entertained. But to be honest, your baby will be entertained simply by being out and about with you. They find whatever you are doing to be fascinating. Talk to them, engage with them and they will be entertained.
  • Nursing Pads
    • No one wants to be caught off guard looking like they are trying to win a wet t-shirt contest! Also, this a “car bag” comes in handy as a place to store an extra shirt.


For all of the non-essential items, consider keeping a “car bag” in your trunk that has all the other things you think baby might need.

The “car bag” can be a reusable grocery bag that holds a first aid kit, extra baby clothes, an extra shirt for mommy, trash bags, etc. It stays in the car and can be refilled as items are used. This will allow your diaper bag to be as lightweight as possible, and ensures you will actually use the items you put in the diaper bag. If an issue arises and you need something from the car, then you can run out and grab it. Or better yet, have your partner run out and get it for you!

Did you already have all 8 of these items in your bag? If you would like more tips for confidently taking baby out and about, send a message to one of our healthcare professionals for more personalized support.