Enough Breast Milk For Baby?

How will I know my baby is getting enough to eat?

When you are breastfeeding your baby exclusively, here are a few things to watch for:

  • Wet and dirty diapers.
  • Sleeping behaviors appropriate for the baby’s age. (see chart)
  • Normal infant behaviors indicative of appropriate developmental milestones, as discussed with your pediatrician.
  • Feeding often, feeding well and overall happy disposition.

When you are nursing baby for most feedings, and occasionally adding in some prepared bottles of breast milk, you should expect to see all of the normal behaviors listed above as well.

If at anytime you are nursing and offering supplemental bottles and your infant is not wetting and pooping well, or there are any sleep pattern changes that concern you, your milk volume should be evaluated by doing a pre- and post-feeding weight check. Call your lactation consultant for an evaluation of your milk supply and milk quality.

If you are a nursing mother supplementing with formula or donor milk and you have concerns about your baby’s intake, please speak with your consultant or your baby’s physician.

Still feeling anxious about your baby’s breast milk intake? Don’t hesitate to contact one of the healthcare professionals on our team for more personalized support for you and your baby.