Hands-Free Bras

Do I need a hands-free nursing bra?

Hands-free bras allow you to pump while also doing other activities, such as eating, drinking, using a mobile device or doing some minor work activities at your desk or computer. These bras fit everyone differently, so it might be wise to try one on before purchasing. Some hands-free bras can expand and contract as you lose weight and your breast size decreases over time.

Proper placement of the breast flanges is key to your ability to remove the most milk.

Get all of your supplies together and go sit in a comfortable place. Put your hands-free bra on and carefully center your flanges over the nipple areola area. Zip or clip your bra so that it is snug but not constricting. You do not want it to restrict your breathing or feel uncomfortable on your body. Complete your pumping session, and then carefully remove your outer pump parts. Unzip or unclip your hands-free bra and remove the shield and combine your milk together. Remove the hands-free bra and place it with your pump or in your case for next time. Wash your hands-free bra weekly, or more often depending on your level of usage.

Wondering about more products that can make nursing easier, like hands-free bras? Become a member and our lactation consultants can make personalized suggestions just for you.