Tag Archive: start breastfeeding

What Happens With Baby: Kayla’s Story

September 14, 2015 12:00 pm Published by

I recall vaguely those first two weeks at home with a newborn were similar to a long weekend (as a non-parent) in Las Vegas: little to no sleep, you don't remember what you did the night before and you have no idea what's about to happen next.

Finding Support: Emily’s Story

September 7, 2015 5:18 pm Published by

The thing about motherhood is you have no idea what to expect or anticipate until you're in the middle of it. Right now I can tell you: Life is awesome, I love being a mom. I can’t imagine missing this experience. I’ve had a lot of adventures and been many places around the world; but watching my little Oliver grow and become a little person who laughs and smiles, is completely magical. Of all the adventures I've had though, I can say without hesitation, they are unparalleled to watching him grow and evolve, it's the most thrilling experience of my life.

The First Few Weeks: Jennifer’s Story

August 31, 2015 3:14 pm Published by

My message to new moms is that everyday gets a little bit easier. I was so in love with my baby and also full of fear since I was now responsible for another human being. In the delivery room he latched right on and started breastfeeding. I had no idea what I was doing since all the info I had learned at my breastfeeding class at the hospital vanished from my brain. I had some help from the lactation consultants at the hospital, but it was still hard. It was painful and I was so stressed that he wasn't nursing long enough on each side. Was he getting enough milk? Was I feeding him often enough? The worries were endless.