Pain and Illness

Treating Mastitis & Other Infections
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
There are many reasons why some breast feeding moms choose to avoid taking antibiotics. When painful mastitis or other infections strike, we’ll share gentle home remedies that can provide relief, and hopefully, keep these problems from recurring.
Treating Thrush
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Thrush, a common yeast infection, can cause pain and discomfort for both mom and baby. Be sure to seek medical attention, as prescription medication may be needed. We’ve got helpful suggestions for caring for yourself and your baby while treating thrush.
Treating Nipple Cracks & Fissures
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Nursing should not be a painful experience. We’ll share tips and strategies for healing your nipples and creating a comfortable and enjoyable breastfeeding experience for you and your baby.
Treating Blebs
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Like a pimple, blebs can be both annoying and painful. We’ll show you how to safely treat blebs at home and reduce plugged ducts in future.
Treating Plugged Ducts
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Nursing should not be a painful experience, but for some breastfeeding moms, plugged milk ducts cause significant pain and discomfort. We’ll show you how to find some relief with a few gentle and safe techniques.
Breast Pain: Explanations & Treatments
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Most nursing moms will experience some kind of breast or nipple pain during their breastfeeding adventure. But what is causing your discomfort? We’ll go through the most common sources of breast pain and share information on how to resolve and relieve symptoms.
Breast Lumps
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
From time to time fluid may build up in the breast tissues surrounding the glands where milk is made. We’ll share our best and easiest tips for resolving this congestion and bring relief.
Using Ice For Pain Relief
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Most breastfeeding moms will experience occasional pain or discomfort while nursing. We’ll share how using ice or cold compresses can safely offer some relief.
Pain Meds While Nursing
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Occasionally, moms may need stronger options for pain relief. We can help you find safe ways to treat your pain and continue nursing your baby.
Dealing With Engorgement
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Most breastfeeding moms will occasionally experience the discomfort of engorgement. From compresses to massage, there are a number of ways to find relief and we’ll show you what you need to know.
Nipple Creams & Butters
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Most breastfeeding moms will experience nipple pain or discomfort from time to time. We can help you find some relief with the use of emollients that are safe for mom and baby.
Treating a Breast Abscess
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
An untreated breast infection can turn into a painful abscess in the breast. In addition to a drainage procedure, performed by your physician, there are steps you can take to help your body heal and get back to breastfeeding faster.
Raynaud’s Syndrome
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Moms who are having unusual pain in the nipple area may be suffering from a decreased blood flow to the breast known as Raynaud’s syndrome. We’ll share treatment plans to help alleviate your symptoms and keep a robust milk supply for your baby.
Painful Latch-On With Baby
by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Some breastfeeding moms and babies have no trouble with latch-on, but others take a bit longer to find their groove. We’ve seen differerent approaches to latching and positioning, and we’ll show you what you need to know.